Labor Contracts in Thailand, Israeli Investment in India, and ASEAN Autos in Vietnam – Asia Investment Brief

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Our weekly round up of other news affecting foreign investors throughout Asia:


Thai Labor Contracts: What You Need to Know

While Thailand does not mandate a written agreement between the employer and an employee, it does impose strict labor regulations with regards to working terms and conditions. In practice, therefore, it is advisable for employers to set out written terms and conditions of employment to avoid legal disputes.


Israeli Investment in India

Israeli investments in technology have typically favored Western nations where cultural barriers and price sensitivity play a diminished role. However, India’s burgeoning startup ecosystem and push for innovation is attracting Israeli tech companies who see potential in India’s rapid digitization.


President Putin Calls for 13% Profits Tax on Repatriated Funds to be Scrapped

Russian President Vladimir Putin has called for the tax on profits realized overseas then repatriated to Russia to be scrapped. A recent amnesty has been in place, although this expired in mid 2016. Russia’s tax laws counter that a 13 percent tax is due on profits remitted back to Russia.


Where the Belt & Road Opportunities Are – The Fastest Growing Silk Road Corridors in 2018

2017 has been an interesting year in Asia, with China’s Belt & Road project really leading the way in influencing governmental policy and a change in thinking across the region.


Vietnam: Reduced Import Tariffs on Automobiles from ASEAN from 2018

From 2018, Vietnam’s import tariffs on automobiles from ASEAN will be reduced to zero percent, leading to further competition in the country. Read more to know about the import tariffs, the effect on local manufacturers, and the steps government should take to support domestic firms.

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Our Briefing updates are written by and provided by the various regional offices of Dezan Shira & Associates throughout Asia. To obtain a complimentary subscription to Asia Briefing please click here. To contact Dezan Shira & Associates concerning foreign investment and assistance in Asia, please email us at

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Dezan Shira & Associates Brochure
Dezan Shira & Associates is a pan-Asia, multi-disciplinary professional services firm, providing legal, tax and operational advisory to international corporate investors. Operational throughout China, ASEAN and India, our mission is to guide foreign companies through Asia’s complex regulatory environment and assist them with all aspects of establishing, maintaining and growing their business operations in the region. This brochure provides an overview of the services and expertise Dezan Shira & Associates can provide.

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