Belt and Road Investor Intelligence #58

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Belt and Road Investor Intelligence #58

Tuesday, December 7, 2021


Major initiatives from Russia, India, and Turkey this past week are likely to have a long-lasting impact on the development of Eurasia and will impact the entire region. China and Russia meanwhile are significantly ramping up their trade and investment policies in Africa while Russia maintains inroads into ASEAN.  

Putin-Modi Summit In Delhi Likely To Have An Extensive Asian Impact 

From Vladivostok to Gujarat and from Afghanistan to Armenia the implications of closer ties between Moscow and Delhi will partially reshape Eurasia. 

China Pledges US$40 Billion For MuItiple Infrastructure Projects In Africa 

A wide-ranging nine-point development plans showcase significant trade opportunities.

Russia Prepares For 2022 Africa Summit As Trade & Investment Increase 

Russia, like China, sees the same trade opportunities as AfCFTA makes a difference.

Organisation Of Turkic States Rebranded With Intention To Balance Central Asian Politics 

Renewed Turkic regional emphasis will be of concern to China, Russia, the EU, and United States depending on which way Ankara decides to point. 

Vietnam To Increase Production Of Russia’s Sputnik V Vaccine 

Expect to produce 5 million doses per month before increasing to 100 million doses per year going forward.

China’s Belt And Road & Beyond 

The latest international headlines, from the BRI around the world 

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Dezan Shira & Associates provide business intelligence, market research, legal, tax and compliance issues for foreign investors throughout Asia, and have 28 offices across the region. We are members of the Leading Edge Alliance, a network of related firms with offices throughout the world. For assistance with Belt & Road Initiative research, please contact us at or visit us at To subscribe to our Belt & Road Initiative portal, please click here.