Belt and Road Investor Intelligence #57

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Belt & Road Investor Intelligence #57

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

A strong African and Caribbean flavor this week as the UK loses Barbados while China and Russia boost their African presence.

How China Made Inroads into the British Commonwealth  

Africa Looks to Expand its Cooperation with Africa 

Eritrea Joins the Belt & Road Initiative 

Russia Targets Increased Trade with Nigeria 

Russia and UAE to Discuss EAEU Free Trade Agreement 

China and Russia Bilateral 2021 Trade Up Over 30% 

China’s Huge Ecommerce Investments into ASEAN

China outbound investment is now into trade tech than construction.

China’s Belt & Road and Beyond 

The latest international headlines, from the BRI around the world.

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Dezan Shira & Associates provide business intelligence, market research, legal, tax and compliance issues for foreign investors throughout Asia, and have 28 offices across the region. We are members of the Leading Edge Alliance, a network of related firms with offices throughout the world. For assistance with Belt & Road Initiative research, please contact us at or visit us at To subscribe to our Belt & Road Initiative portal, please click here.