Belt and Road Weekly Investor Intelligence #80

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This week, as the Russia-Ukraine conflict shortly enters its fourth month, supply chains are now beginning to react. We take a look at the changing supply chains affecting Europe and Asia, as well as examine southern BRI supply chain developments in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, and Kazakhstan. The prospect of de-dollarisation has raised its head again with a Brazilian Presidential candidate saying he will introduce a LatAm currency if elected. Finally, we look at how Asian exporters are looking to replace the EU suppliers now exiting the Russia market.

Eurasia’s Shifting Supply Chains 

European-Asian Geopolitics – The Implications Of Shifting Supply Chains In Wake Of The Russia-Ukraine Conflict. Part One: Europe   

A good look at South-east EU, the Balkans, and Moldova as the European Union and Eurasian Economic Union must learn to live side by side or face serious consequences in a politically and ethnically divided region.

Asian Development Bank Steps In To Alleviate Azerbaijan-Georgia Rail Bottlenecks  

Caucasus supply chain bottlenecks are being dealt with by Asian institutional funding.

Iran, Turkmenistan Plan Increasing Trade, Investment And Cooperation Ties  

These two neighbors are fast becoming integral parts of the China-EU routes and the INSTC.

Kazakhstan Likely To Avoid Worst Of Russian Economic Slowdown   

Kazakhstan’s size and Central Asian integration should keep it immune from the worst of a Russian economic slowdown.

Russia Looks To Cash In On Afghanistan Opportunities   

Afghanistan possesses US$1 trillion in valuable mineral reserves and could develop as a Central Asian transit hub. Russia wants access to this difficult market.


Brazil’s Da Silva Proposes A Latin American Currency ‘To Be Free Of The US Dollar’  

Major global economies are becoming wary of the US dollars use by Washington as a political weapon. Latin America is being offered an option to decouple.

Media Coverage  

Are US, EU, and UK Based Editorial Fit for Purpose When Trying to Understand China?  

Does non-China based, China opinion have any remaining credibility?

Russia’s Consumer Market Opportunities  

Top 15 Countries Whose Economies Depend On Russian Trade    

Three EU economies could be in trouble, while Central Asia appears advantageous

Asian Exporters Scramble To Access Russian Consumer Markets (Russia Briefing)   

EU businesses exiting Russia are leaving consumer market gaps that Asian exporters are keen to fill.

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